Welcome to Pathwork 2024 and Beyond as we celebrate an exciting burst of new programs, ideas, and activities. We invite you to join us in launching the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Membership Drive. We invite you to become a member of this new venture. 

What does it mean to be a member? 

To answer this question, we have looked to the past for some Pathwords excerpts.

From Pathwords August 1977

“Claiming Myself

…I now feel a part of the Path Community and wish to be one with the love, power and beauty that is happening among us as we move onward together.

Michael Kanter”

From Pathwords July 1978

“Stages of Commitment: Reflections on Memberships

The membership fees help pay for all the behind-the-scenes work that makes the Path a viable and well-run organization. It pays for the visualization, planning and continuity of our programs, training and Helpership—all the tasks our administrators spend doing in their waking hours…In short, the membership fees reflect a positive response to the Guide question: “Are you willing to allow for the fact that you are entering a spiritual community whose aim goes beyond personal development?”

Investment in a full membership takes this question step further and is a statement that you want to belong to a community that takes full responsibility for its own existence and continuance.

Kay McNett”

Those of us who have been practicing Pathwork for many years have experienced the deep connections that our community nurtures.  We have seen how it can help us weather the storms of our lives, support our continued spiritual growth, and help us make a difference both energetically and actively in the larger world.

Pathworkers see the promise of an authentically lived life: a Path to the Real Self that enables us to live wholly and honestly.   We see a community that continues to support us in this work.

Now, as we release the Sevenoaks Retreat Center with love and gratitude, we are called upon to re-center our spiritual community around the people who are the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork (MAP).  This is a time for strengthening our bonds with one another and standing strong as a deeply connected community, fully committed to each other’s spiritual growth.

Upon the sale of our beloved Sevenoaks, and following payment of debts, MAP intends to invest the additional funds to ensure its future. We plan to fund and staff programs and projects. 

We on the Board of Trustees of the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork want to share some of the proceeds of the sale with you. 

The membership fee has been $175 for many years. This year, in celebration, we will be contributing $50 from proceeds from the sale to reduce the cost of membership by $50. What you will pay for a full membership for this year will be $125. 

What can you expect as a member?

Financially, you will be offered a discount to MAP sponsored events. There will be a substantial discount for the next PTP class for all members. Next on our radar, we plan to offer minimal cost Members Only Events such as Teresa Yang, Helper, presenting on Human Design, Julia Jensen, Helper, leading an evening with the four directions, Miriam Smith, Helper, Meditation of the Heart.

To focus on Pathwork goals, we have two requests:

  • Click here to affirm your commitment to the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Membership. These funds will support the development of new programs and the support staff. 

  • Offer your insights and ideas as the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Community evolves. For some of you, this may include stepping into a governance role when needed. 

The Guide offers us this wisdom ~ 

The progress of this group as a whole creates a new positive energy that transcends the work itself. The work has visible results, but the invisible benefits surpass your comprehension at this stage. Your commitment to what you are doing, the help you give to each other, is very beautiful. Realize that you thus fulfill spiritual responsibility. (Lecture 196)

Let us renew our bonds with one another.   Our common goal is to reconnect with each other in community and spread the wisdom of the Pathwork Guide in an ever changing and challenging world. 

We deeply thank you for your participation and contribution to the evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork.

Once again, click here to become a member of the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork from July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

In Appreciation,

Julia Jensen

Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Council Chairperson

Miriam Smith
Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Board of Trustees President