Sacred Dimensions of the Pathwork

Sacred Dimensions of the Pathwork

Is Sacred Dimensions Right for You?

The Sacred Dimensions program is an invitation to the exploration of the most profound teachings of the Pathwork. An offering to participants to engage deeply with the nature of the reality of beingness… A call to aligning with awareness and surrendering to all experiences. It is offered to not only guide participants to the deepest spiritual growth possible, but also support them to spread the light of spiritual wisdom and love wherever they find themselves in the world.

It is primarily offered for Pathwork Transformation Program graduates, leaders, and Helpers. Others with an equivalent depth of experience may be considered.

While the program meets four weekends a year at Sevenoaks Retreat Center in Madison, VA, each gathering is unique - depending on the Pathwork Lectures offered, the makeup of the leader team, the group that shows up to receive the teaching, and the movement of Spirit moment by moment throughout the weekend. Participants commit to only the weekends that they are able to attend, although an intimate sense of community develops among those who attend multiple sessions.

Over the course of each 3-day retreat, you’ll experience a unique opportunity to explore the Guide’s invitation to access the greater reality dwelling within every soul. This will include time for:

  • Meditation

  • Extended periods of silence

  • Experiential awareness practices, such as movement, dance, and time in nature

  • Emotional processing to build energy and move through blocks

  • Wisdom from other spiritual traditions and teachers

  • Deep engagement with the Guide’s wisdom and with one another

To Register Contact Gary Vollbracht here.

Learn more about Sacred Dimensions here.

Pathwork Helper Erena Bramos

Sacred Dimensions is directed by Erena Bramos, and led by Erena and/or other senior Pathwork Helpers. Erena has been a Pathwork Helper, teacher, and psychotherapist in private practice for over 35 years. She steps into the work from the dimension of non-dual consciousness and invites you to join her there.