From Sea to Shining Sea: GPS 2021 and Pathwork as a Full Spectrum Path

By Beth Hedquist

There has been some discussion in the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork community about Pathwork being a “Full Spectrum Path.” What does that mean?

While the term was coined by Susan Thesenga, to me it means that the universal spiritual journey leads the seeker through several stages of consciousness along the way to self-realization. It’s not a linear journey of leaving one level and moving up to the next like climbing a stairway to heaven, but a unique and individual path that traverses various landscapes on an ever deepening spiral to the center of our being.

  • It is good and right to seek healing for our childhood wounds.

  • It is intimate and meaningful to develop the ability to be in mutuality with another.

  • It is kind and compassionate to experience our interconnectedness with all beings, human and otherwise.

  • It is part of the journey to open to the presence of beings beyond the physical, lifetimes beyond this one, and the wisdom of our own Souls.

  • It is our birthright to surrender all these levels to meet what cannot be named but lies within and beyond everything, and holds it all in and as Love.

When we embark upon a road trip to from the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States, there are many roads we can take, but regardless of the route we choose, we will begin at the Atlantic Ocean, then likely travel across mountains, prairie, plains, desert, rivers, more mountains, and end up at the Pacific Ocean. There is no wrong way, there is no wrong geographical landscape. They are all stops along the way, beautiful in their own right. And, our task is to visit each of these landscapes, stop for a while and take in what is meaningful to us, and then continue on our way to reach our destination at the Pacific Ocean.


Notice this metaphor begins and ends at the Ocean. Susan’s Full Spectrum Pathwork chart does the same - offering us a visual of how we are birthed from the Ocean of Being, embody various layers of consciousness with the task and destiny of our lives being to traverse the Full Spectrum of landscapes on this grand adventure to return to our Source. One of the unique features of the Pathwork is that it offers guidance for each stage of the journey. The Lectures serve as our spiritual GPS, helping us navigate each mile and every landscape. And once we reach the Ocean - well, it’s up to us then, to jump in and trust we will know how to swim, and that the Ocean will carry us.

The Mid-Atlantic Pathwork has chosen to make the theme of our free online Lecture Study series, “Growing with Pathwork Studies (GPS)” for 2021: Who or What Am I? Pathwork as a Full Spectrum Path. We’ll begin with an overview of the various levels of consciousness, and then each month a different Helper will teach a Lecture that corresponds with the various levels.


We meet twice a month on Monday evenings from 8:00pm-9:30pm Eastern Time. I’ll be teaching the overview on January 11th and 25th, and I’d love to have you join me online to explore all that the Pathwork has to offer for the journey. We’ll be working with Pathwork Lecture 189 in January, and while it is not necessary to read the Lecture ahead of time it will provide a richer experience. 

Learn more and sign up here.