The Heart sees Reality. The Mind lives in Duality.

The Heart is an organ of perception.

It has a perspective and a quality of seeing that is very different from the mind.  Actually, it is the heart that can restore the mind to its proper function in a world where the mind has divorced the heart and sees a world of separation through the lenses of pride, self-will and fear.  

The mind lives in a separate state.  It is in duality and duality sees things in black or white, good or bad, right or wrong, and it suffers greatly in this battle of opposites.  We feel we have to defend and control so we don’t suffer, but that actually magnetizes what we are trying to avoid.  We can escape the vicious circle when we realize it is just one perspective, one way of looking at things.  

I am sure you are familiar with the teaching story about the Grandfather, his Grandson, and the Stallion (the energies and events of life) that unfold.  First, the Boy finds the horse and brings him home to the applause of all the village and the expectations of a greater future, but then the stallion runs away and this is a great loss, and then the stallion returns bringing a herd of mares with him yet fortune seems to swing again.  As the boy tries to ride the stallion he is thrown and breaks his leg and this is automatically seen as bad fortune but when the soldiers come to conscript the young men, he is unfit for duty and gets to remain in the village rather than go off to war. 

This is life from the perspective of the dualistic mind swinging always back and forth between pleasure and pain, good and bad, right and wrong.  There is another way and it doesn’t involve conquering the vagaries of life.  It involves simply being with what is without judging, knowing it always is a double-edged sword, and knowing that life as a soul journey brings us into this plane for purposes beyond satisfying our personal self’s longing for perfect happiness.   Ultimately we came to work.

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By Darlene Rollins